Tooth Colored Fillings
Dental Treatment That Blends with Your Current Teeth
Tooth colored dental fillings match the shade of your surrounding teeth. The composite materials are an excellent alternative to traditional metal fillings.
The treatment is long-lasting. Using composite materials also saves you time as it involves a faster treatment procedure.
Less impact on your tooth structure
The composite substance used in your tooth-colored fillings bonds to the surface of your teeth. The process eliminates the tooth preparation time that is common when using silver filling materials.
Preparing your tooth for the filling only requires the decayed or damaged portion of your tooth to be removed. The materials used for your tooth-colored fillings form a secure bond on the surface of your treated tooth.
Treatment for all your tooth surfaces
Metal fillings are often limited to certain tooth surfaces. Tooth-colored fillings using composite materials can be applied on any surface of your tooth.
Tooth-colored fillings are an effective replacement option for your old, silver fillings. They can also be used to fill areas between your teeth, on the direct chewing surface of your teeth, or on your gum line.
Ask your dentist in Palm Beach Gardens, Dr. Alvarez, about tooth-colored dental fillings.
Tooth Colored Fillings
With the advent of technology Dr Alvarez office offers Tooth Colored Fillings. Tooth Colored Fillings are commonly called white fillings that restore your natural appearance of your existing tooth structure plus it cosmetically changes the size, shape and color of your teeth.
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